Scripture Meditations

A new covenant

I’m reading through the Bible in a year. Today as I was reading in 2 Samuel 7-9, I read about the covenant God had with David. In my She Reads Truth Bible, the devotional was on the new covenant.

They shared Luke 22:20 (CSB) In the same way he also took the cup after supper and said, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.”

What a timely message the day before Easter! Don’t you love how you can find an Easter message in the Old Testament. We tell our three year old all that time that the Bible has a lot of little stories that tell one big story. The story of God sending Jesus to die for our sins and raising him up on the third day.

David went on to praise God in 2 Samuel 7. God had given him a good promise but there was a better covenant to come. The new covenant!

Jesus poured out his life for you and for me. May we celebrate that this Easter Sunday

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